Are Protein Waters Good For You? Best Protein Water Revealed

Are you looking for the best addition to your diet? Well, we have protein waters for you that will make your work easier. Let's read ahead to find out more!
What Are Protein Waters?
Protein supplements that are mostly consumed in the form of protein waters are simply supplemented drinks that you are prepared by putting together an excellent protein powder and water. To make things a bit more interesting, many protein water manufacturers opt to add other ingredients to this mixture as well, such as flavours, colours, and scents to give it a refreshing taste.
Your protein water can have anything in it, ranging from rhubarb, lime, strawberry, watermelon, banana, or even peaches and raspberries to enhance the taste and nutrient mix. However, while consuming a protein drink, ensure that your calorie count stays in check while you consume them as you will have to add other sources of protein to your drink as well.
Protein Waters – A Practical Option
They make a superb addition to your diet because they are easy to use on the go. Just a grab a drink before leaving for the gym or have one during the last class of your day. It works especially well for those people who may have reduced access to high protein foods for some reason; thus, consuming these drinks to make up for the protein supplement slab is a brilliant idea!
Most people require protein supplements that are equal to the amount of 0.5 grams per pound in association with their body weight as suggested by fitness experts. An essential aspect to take note of here is that if you indulge in other heavyweight or high-intensity exercises, then you may need a larger quantity of proteins in your diet as compared to an average individual who wishes to shed some extra pounds. Read our guide to how to calculate how much protein you need in your diet.
Is There Any Other Protein Supplement?
Besides protein waters, you can also look into protein shakes, tablets, powders and such protein supplements that will give you a cumulative experience of enhancing your body’s muscular system in the most efficient manner.
But when we talk about protein water, it offers an alternative solution to not only supplement your daily protein intake but at the same time be an ultimate source of hydration that is sugar as well as fat-free. And of course, we can't forget that it gets the job done in less than 100 calories!
As we mentioned earlier that you could use protein on the go, it proves to be a proactive protein solution even while you are working out or engaging in exercise. Just keep a bottle of protein water with you and sip on it in between sets to give your body the maximum boost.
We agree that each person should have their own preference when it comes to supplements, what works best for you depends on you as an individual and the fitness goals you aspire for.
Getting the appropriate amount of protein is essential if you are working out or being active. Vieve Protein Water is a protein drink that makes it easy to supplement your protein intake.
Read ahead to explore further our drinks based on a wide range of collagen-rich protein waters that come packed with an astounding 20g protein but zero sugars, fats, or dairy.
What Is The Recommended Protein Intake For Adults?
We have talked about why adults need a greater quantity of proteins and excellent sources to obtain it from. However, monitoring the right amount that you consume is also necessary. The excessive use or abuse of any supplement can harm the human body. Similarly, we need to keep the protein intake under check as well.
A Peak Into Protein RDA Allowance
When it comes to consuming a dietary item, the most commonly cited standard is the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA). According to RDA, older adults need 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram (2.2 pounds) of body weight per day.
For example, if a male weighs 150 pounds, he needs to consume 55 grams of protein a day. On the other hand, if a female weighs 180 pounds, then the recommended weight of proteins to eat every day is 65 grams.
It is effortless to track this content because you can do so by checking the nutrition guide given on the back of most food items. However, to make things easy, you can check the protein quantity on some of the most commonly eaten food items that people consume.
- A 6-ounce serving of Greek yoghurt contains 18 grams of proteins.
- Half-cup of cottage cheese contains 14 grams of proteins.
- A 3-ounce serving of skinless chicken contains 28 grams of proteins.
- Half-cup of lentils contains 9 grams of proteins.
- A cup of milk contains 8 grams.
The recommended dietary allowance may not adhere to increased or decreased needs as per specific health changes. The quantities were mentioned, keeping in mind that a healthy adult had none to minimal health issues to address while being on a balanced diet.
Assess Your Calories Closely
Another easy way of assessing the number of calories you consume is through the calorie intake. The Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range states that 10-35% of your calorie intake should comprise protein. That means if you have 2000 calories in a day, you need to have 100 grams of protein.
Are Protein Waters Good for You - Revealing The Advantages Of Having Protein Waters
The main goal of having protein waters is to keep your body's protein content in balance. There are essential amino acids packed into these drinks that your body needs for the muscle-building process up to the mark.
Once the body suffers from a period of oxidative stress, the amino acid content reduces, which creates a negative shift. After consuming a protein water drink, your body goes into a positive balance drive that aids in muscle growth effectively.
Here are some ways in which protein waters are good for you. They are an excellent pick for anyone who is looking to enhance on any one of the following aspects.
Building Up and Preserving Muscle Mass
Your Muscle Protein Synthesis (MPS) begins working at an optimal rate once you have a protein water drink. MPS is a biochemical reaction that is needed for muscle buildup. Our muscles continually undergo vigorous cycles of building up and breaking down.
But to make sure that the muscle building and preservation is better, we need the buildup process to outweigh the breakdown process. Therefore, by consuming protein waters, you give your body a great chance to go into a positive protein drive.
Once you sleep, your body experiences slight oxidative stress. This tends to increase the breakdown process, which is the reason why some experts recommend having a drink before bed.
Boosting Energy Levels
When there is a boost in your muscle mass, your energy levels will rise exponentially. With higher energy levels, you can make your body work more intensely and for longer periods of time.
A research conducted back in 2016 revealed that consuming at least 40 grams of protein in a day especially before bed increases the adaptive response of your skeletal muscles. Half of this quantity can come from a single Vieve drink!
Your body's adaptive response will train it to endure long hours of resistance training and intense workout routines. Thus, consuming protein before you go off to sleep gives your muscles a chance for repair and growth.
Better Muscle Recovery
Consuming a protein drink helps athletes to get better at performing every day at the gym and even in their daily lives. It regulates the metabolism of skeletal muscles, which lets them to grow more and strengthen.
You will also notice a boost in muscle repair with your sore and aching muscles feeling much better the next day. There is an increased overall body strength that you will experience during high-intensity workouts and cardio sessions.
These drinks also help in improving lean mass that provides you with the ability to work out as much as you want until you achieve goals!
Lose Weight Faster
Are you searching for tips to lose weight? Well, you may find it surprising, but having a protein water drink every day can help in reaching you closer to your weight loss goals. But how does that happen?
Protein water drinks aid in building more muscle while also stimulating your body to lose weight. It can do this by improving the metabolism rate. Once your metabolism speeds up, your weight starts to go down gradually.
After consuming protein water, it also needs to be digested, absorbed and then transported to the cells. While your body does this, it burns a good amount of calories.
Another fundamental thing that protein drinks do is that they overcome hunger pangs. We all know that grehlin is the hormone responsible for leading to hunger pangs. Instead of increasing ghrelin release in the body, protein improves the production of leptin, which is otherwise known as the satiety hormone.
Radiant Skin
Your skin is made up of certain protein compounds called collagen. Collagen adds elasticity to your skin which keeps it looking young and supple. Without collagen, your skin tends to sag and lost its youthfulness. It is important to mention here that collagen id a type of protein. Therefore, consuming protein-rich drinks gives you the right dose of collagen.
Vieve protein drinks contain hydrolysed collagen, which helps in maintaining a radiant glow on your skin even during the most tiresome week of your life.
On another note, once you start a low-protein weight loss program, your muscles undergo a vigorous breakdown process. This makes your skin saggy. Consuming protein drinks helps in the prevention of saggy skin, which is considered to be of the most common side effects of accelerated weight loss.
Best Protein Water Revealed!
Are you looking to be left amazed with the first sip and an increase in excitement with every sip? Then we have Vieve for you! Don't think this is some ordinary drink because here's a fruity combo for you.
We present to you an ultimate fruit mix bursting with flavours that will leave your body energised. With a massive 20g of protein, you get nutrients packed with deliciousness all in one go.
You can consume it anytime you want as per your requirements. Have it before or after a workout. You can also have it before bedtime. Regardless of the time, we can assure you the punch you will receive after consuming this drink which will reflect in a better performance chart.
dairy free, so it suits drinkers who cannot actively consume other shakes and powders.
With just 85 calories and no sugar in each bottle, it's an organic choice that you can make to fuel your lifestyle. We have one more thing! If you're lactose intolerant, there's some good news for you! The product is completely
Vegans and vegetarians may have to look for other options as this drink is not suited for them due to the use of a hydrolysed collagen protein.
You can find Vieve on our online shop, or via Amazon or Ocado.
When compared to protein shakes, protein waters are not a thick and rich option, and they do not have many issues such as being chalky and heavy on the stomach. If you have been drinking shakes for a long time, it is now time to try waters to observe a change and see how well they perform.
You can add these waters in your routine by adding them to supplement one of your meals instead of staying hungry for longer periods to avoid calorie counts. You will also notice the bottle design of protein water bottles is super functional as it makes them convenient to carry it when on the go and sip it as and wherever you like.
Did you know Vieve has launch the world's first vegan protein water? With 10g plant-based pea protein, zero sugar fat or dairy and only 50 calories. Available in two flavours: wild cherry and peach orange. It's the easiest plant-based protein top-up ever!