See Through the Hype: The Real Benefits of Clear Proteins

In the world of protein supplements there’s a new trend which seems to be coming up in the market and that is clear proteins. Offering a refreshing alternative to traditional protein sources, clear protein has gained popularity among fitness enthusiasts and health-conscious individuals. But what exactly is clear protein, and what are its benefits? In this article, we will dive into the world of clear protein, debunk misconceptions, and provide dosage guidelines, so you can make an informed decision. We’ll help you understand: are clear proteins right for you?
Definition and Explanation of Clear Protein
Clear protein refers to whey protein isolate and other isolated forms of protein powder such as collage protein powders that contain very low amounts of fat, carbohydrates, and lactose. This makes them easily digestible and unlikely to cause gastrointestinal discomfort. In addition, the filtration process removes most other compounds, leaving primarily just the protein.
The main advantage of clear proteins is Instead of the milky texture associated with whey or milk based proteins, clear protein comes in the form of a clear liquid or powder that dissolves easily into forms such as protein waters. It provides a convenient and refreshing way to meet your protein needs.
Benefits of Clear Protein
Refreshing Alternative to Whey Protein
Clear proteins offers a refreshing change from the traditional chalky and milk-like textures of whey protein. Its clear consistency makes it ideal for individuals who prefer a lighter and more refreshing protein drink and don’t like thick milky shakes or messy powders.
Better macro profile with lower sugar and calories
For those watching their caloric intake, clear protein can be an excellent choice. It is often lower in calories compared to other protein sources, such as whey or plant-based protein powders. This makes it suitable for individuals who are looking to maintain or lose weight while still meeting their protein requirements.
Promotes Muscle Building
Clear protein provides amino acids that enable muscle protein synthesis. Consuming it, especially after workouts, can boost muscle growth.
Protein is essential for building and maintaining muscle mass. Athletes and bodybuilders especially require more protein to support their training goals. The amino acids found in protein are the building blocks used to synthesize new muscle proteins and repair damaged muscle tissue after exercise.
Clear protein powders like whey and collagen protein powders are ideal sources for maximizing muscle protein synthesis. Whey protein is quickly digested, getting amino acids into the bloodstream rapidly to aid recovery and growth following a workout. Collagen as well is a dairy free alternative for those who may be lactose or dairy intolerant.
Consuming 20-40 grams of clear protein after weight training provides the vital amino acids muscles need to fully stimulate muscle protein synthesis. Getting adequate protein from food and supplements ensures a positive muscle protein balance, where the muscles are synthesizing more protein than is being broken down.
For athletes and recreational lifters alike, clear protein is crucial for optimizing the effects of strength training. A high protein intake coupled with resistance exercise enhances lean muscle mass gains and increases muscle strength over time. Clear protein intake also prevents excessive muscle loss during periods of inactivity or calorie restriction.
Overall, clear protein provides amino acids essential for muscle repair, recovery and growth. Athletes aiming to improve performance have higher protein needs, making clear protein supplements an important component of their nutrition plan.
Weight management
Protein increases satiety, which can support losing fat while retaining lean mass during weight loss. Clear protein is a convenient way to increase daily protein intake.
Consuming adequate protein is crucial for losing fat and keeping it off. Protein is by far the most filling nutrient, which helps reduce overall calorie intake.
Several studies show that protein can boost metabolism by up to 80-100 calories per day, helping you burn more calories. High protein intake can also help you retain muscle mass when losing weight. As muscle is metabolically active, retaining it helps maintain a higher calorie burn.
Eating plenty of protein reduces levels of the hunger hormone ghrelin, while increasing peptide YY and GLP-1, hormones that regulate appetite. This leads to reduced hunger and appetite.
In one study, increasing protein intake from 15% to 30% of calories made overweight women eat 441 fewer calories per day and lose almost a pound of weight per week, without intentionally restricting anything.
There are several reasons why protein is so effective for controlling appetite:
- Protein slows stomach emptying, which provides a prolonged feeling of fullness. Foods higher in protein take longer to leave the stomach compared to high carb foods.
- Protein stimulates satiety hormones like CCK, GLP-1 and peptide YY which signal to your brain that you are full.
- Protein has a high thermic effect - your body burns more calories digesting protein than carbs or fat. This increased energy expenditure provides a satiating effect.
- Protein decreases levels of the hunger hormone ghrelin. Ghrelin stimulates appetite, so lower levels lead to reduced hunger.
Therefore, a high protein diet is an effective strategy for losing excess fat without starvation or deliberate calorie counting. It helps curb your appetite and boosts calories burned, making weight management effortless.
Improved recovery
The amino acids in clear protein help repair exercise-induced muscle damage and reduce delayed onset muscle soreness. This speeds return to full performance after challenging workouts.
Consuming adequate amounts of protein is crucial for recovering from an injury or surgery. When injured, the body needs higher amounts of protein to repair damaged tissues and rebuild muscle mass that may have been lost due to inactivity.
Protein provides the amino acids that are the building blocks for regenerating muscle, bone, skin and other tissues. Research shows that patients who consume more protein after an injury have improved rates of recovery. For example, studies of patients after major bone fractures found that those who consumed higher protein intakes had superior rates of bone healing.
Additionally, protein is needed to produce collagen, which makes up the structure of connective tissues such as tendons and ligaments. Following an injury, collagen production ramps up to mend damaged connective tissues. Eating enough protein ensures your body has the amino acids necessary for collagen synthesis and tissue repair.
Some research also indicates increased protein intake can help reduce muscle atrophy during periods of immobilization, such as when a limb is in a cast. Consuming adequate high-quality protein helps maintain muscle when it’s not possible to exercise. This makes rehabilitation and return to normal activity easier.
Overall, eating higher amounts of lean, unprocessed protein sources aids the body’s ability to heal after an injury. Aim for at least 1.2-1.5 grams of protein per kg of body weight while recovering. Getting enough protein can help you bounce back faster.
Boost Immunity
The immune system plays a critical role in protecting the body against illness and infection. An immune system that is not functioning properly leaves the body vulnerable to invaders like viruses and bacteria. Research has shown that protein, especially high-quality protein sources like whey, may provide immune-boosting effects.
Whey protein contains an array of nutrients like vitamins, minerals and amino acids that are important for immune health. For example, it is rich in glutathione, which is the most abundant antioxidant in the body that helps fight oxidative stress and free radical damage. Whey protein also contains immunoglobulins, which are antibodies that can provide protective effects against pathogens.
Additionally, amino acids like glutamine have been found to help promote the healthy growth and function of immune cells. Adequate intake of this amino acid is crucial for maintaining immune defenses. Whey protein is particularly high in glutamine compared to other protein sources.
The nutrients in whey protein can also help replenish the immune system and prevent declines that are associated with intense exercise and overtraining. Athletes who engage in frequent high-intensity workouts have greater immune system demands, so whey protein supplementation can help boost immunity in this population.
Overall, incorporating high-quality whey or clear protein into your diet provides you with a convenient way to get essential nutrients that support immune health and keep your body's defenses strong. A serving or two per day is an easy addition to help fend off colds, the flu and other illnesses.
Collagen Clear Protein Supports Healthy Skin, Hair and Nails
Protein is essential for the growth and repair of skin, hair and nails. Amino acids from protein are the building blocks of keratin, collagen, and elastin - structural proteins that give skin its elasticity and strength, and form the structure of hair and nails.
Getting enough protein can help keep skin firm and youthful, promote hair growth, and support strong nails that don't easily crack or split. Some studies have found that low protein intake is linked to dry skin and hair loss.
Collagen Clear protein provides all 9 essential amino acids needed to synthesize keratin and collagen. Consuming a variety of complete protein sources ensures you get a balanced mix of amino acids for optimal skin, hair and nail health.
Whey and collagen protein supplements may be especially beneficial - whey provides cysteine, an amino acid important for collagen production, while collagen peptides provide the direct building blocks of skin and connective tissues.
In addition to protein's structural role, it also contributes to skin and hair health in other ways:
- Antioxidants in protein foods help protect against skin damage and aging caused by free radicals and UV exposure.
- Protein is needed to absorb and transport key micronutrients like iron, zinc and vitamin A which also support healthy skin, hair and nails.
- Protein triggers the release of hormones that promote hair growth.
Making sure to get enough high quality, complete protein sources like lean meats, fish, eggs, dairy and plant proteins daily is a simple way to nurture your skin, locks and nails from the inside out.
In summary, clear protein provides several important health benefits:
- It helps build muscle and strength when combined with exercise by providing amino acids for muscle protein synthesis. Clear protein powders have high leucine content to maximize muscle growth.
- It assists with fat loss and weight management by boosting metabolism and helping preserve lean muscle mass when in a calorie deficit. The protein keeps you fuller longer as well.
- Clear protein is useful for injury recovery, as it provides the raw materials for rebuilding and repairing muscle tissue after exercise or injury. Consuming it speeds healing.
- Protein is required for collagen production and is essential for healthy skin, hair, and nails. Adequate intake promotes youthful looks.
- The protein keeps you feeling full and promotes satiety between meals. This leads to eating fewer calories overall.
To summarize, clear protein offers an array of health and performance benefits. It should be a staple part of any healthy diet. Consuming adequate high-quality protein daily from supplements or whole foods is recommended. Clear protein powder is a convenient way to increase your intake and reap the many benefits outlined above.
Above Vieve Protein Waters & Powders:
Vieve was one of the world's first clear protein drinks in the market. Our protein water use collagen as their primary protein source, offering a true non-dairy alternative to whey and milk based drinks. Each bottle contains 20,000mg of hydrolysed collagen.
Our collagen powder mixes easily into everyday food & drink with just a tablespoon to give you an instant 10g collagen-based protein boost.
Head over to our shop to check out our selection of protein drinks and protein waters. Find out more about Vieve here. Vieve Protein Water is also available to buy from Amazon or Ocado.
Journal of Sports Science & Medicine - Role of protein and amino acids in promoting lean mass accrual
Nutrients Journal - Protein and Weight Management