When Is The Best Time To Take Protein for Weight Loss or Muscle Gain?

Protein is an essential part of any diet and making sure you hit your daily protein macro target is an essential part of any fitness or dieting program. But timing your protein intake, is almost as critical as the amount of protein that you take and is key to maximising its effectiveness. We take a look at when the best time to take protein is depending on your fitness goals: dieting or muscle gain.
The best time to take protein is within an hour after you've finished exercising for building muscle.
From a scientific standpoint, the best time to take protein is within an hour after your workout. This is when your muscles are most sensitive to absorbing nutrients and you'll get the most out of your protein. If it's going to take longer than an hour for you to get to eat a regular meal, consider making a protein shake, protein water or using some other type of supplement or protein drink.
You can also eat (or drink) your protein alongside some carbohydrates for maximum absorption—that means yogurt with fruit or cereal with milk, for example. But don't worry too much about which kind of carbs you choose; just focus on getting that nutrient-rich combo into your body in the first hour post-workout.
The trickiest part about timing your protein intake is figuring out if you should be eating proteins alone or combining them with carbs. One thing's for sure: It's easier than ever to get enough of this essential nutrient since you can now find protein in so many convenient formats such as our protein waters or powders—and even in some baked goods! As long as it contains 20 grams per serving (about two tablespoons of our powder), it will give you all the amino acids you body need for muscle growth and repair.
Combine protein before with working out if you want to shed pounds.
If you're looking to shed some weight, protein shakes can be an important part of a weight loss regimen. Protein is a key component in building and repairing muscles, as well as fuelling energy levels in the body. In fact, research suggests that combining exercise with protein can help you build more muscle and lose more fat than just working out alone.
In one study published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, researchers found that people on a low-calorie diet who drank two shakes throughout the day lost about 11 pounds over 12 weeks—without doing any exercise—while people on the same diet who consumed only one shake daily lost only 6 pounds over 12 weeks. In another study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, participants who downed amino acids (the building blocks of proteins) right after their workouts burned 22 percent more fat than those who ate nothing before they exercised and those who sipped carbs instead of protein.
Take protein immediately after exercise for the biggest muscle gain.
If you want to build muscle, taking protein after a workout can help your muscles recover. Protein powder is an easy and convenient way to increase your daily protein intake. Protein powder can also be mixed with other nutritional supplements, like creatine or caffeine. Taking protein immediately after exercise for the biggest muscle gain
The timing of when you take your protein shake can make a difference in how much muscle is built. A study published in the Journal of Physiology found that participants who took protein immediately after exercise gained more muscle mass than those who didn't. This study found that drinking 20 grams of whey protein immediately after exercise helped athletes gain 2 pounds more than those who didn't consume any additional nutrition. The researchers suggest that the reason for this effect is because protein increases blood flow to muscles and helps rebuild damaged tissue, both of which are needed for recovery after exercise.
If you are looking for a bit of a pre-workout boost try taking a mug of coffee or a shot of espresso from your favorite neighborhood cafe, it’s best to have it within 30 minutes before hitting the gym for maximum energy benefits!
Protein is a valuable part of any workout regimen.
Protein is a valuable part of any workout regimen. Not only is it responsible for the growth of new muscle, but it also helps to speed up recovery. But when exactly should you consume protein? That depends on your goals and how you train.
If you’re strength training with heavy weights, you should be consuming protein before and after your workouts. You see, heavy resistance training breaks down muscle tissue at an increased rate. If you take in additional protein following your workouts, it can help to repair this damage and create new muscle . This is why post-workout nutrition is often referred to as “anabolic” nutrition – because it promotes the creation of new tissues, such as muscle.
Looking for an easy post or pre-workout protein boost? Vieve is the world's first high-protein drink and protein water to use collagen as its primary protein source, offering a true non-dairy alternative to whey and milk based drinks. Just pop, twist and sip after a workout without the mixing and mess of your typical protein powder!
Vegans struggling with your protein intake? Now available in a plant-based Vegan Protein Water version with 10g pea-protein, zero sugar fat or dairy and only 50 calories.
Head over to our shop to check out our selection of protein drinks, collagen peptide powders and protein waters. Find out more about Vieve here. Vieve Protein Water is available in the UK from Amazon, Ocado or via our website.