5 Reasons Protein Water Is the Perfect Drink for Your Health

If you’re looking for a tasty way to get more protein, then protein water might be the solution for you. Protein water is made with healthy ingredients that give your body what it needs to function at its peak performance level. In this blog post, we’ll talk about why protein water is so good for your health and what specific benefits you can expect from drinking it regularly.
1. Protein Water Helps You Lose Weight
Protein Water Helps You Lose Weight
Protein water is a healthy alternative to sugary drinks, which means it can help you lose weight. Drinking one glass of protein water per day instead of an unhealthy beverage like soda can help reduce the amount of calories you consume each day and lead to weight loss. This is because drinking just two glasses of protein water in place of sugar-sweetened sodas will save about 300 calories per day (and keep your blood sugar levels steady).
Protein Water Can Help You Feel Fuller Longer
Protein water contains amino acids such as taurine and arginine that promote satiety—a feeling of fullness or satisfaction after eating or drinking—which makes it easier to avoid overeating.
Taurine helps regulate blood pressure levels while L-arginine helps increase circulation and improve immune function.These nutrients will leave you feeling energized all day long.
Also protein helps with saeity as it keeps you fulling longer. So if you want to avoid snacking, try chugging down a 20g protein water. Try to select collagen based protein water drinks such as Vieve Protein Water or any that are non-dairy based, as they will leave you fuller without bloating you.
2. Protein Water Helps You Build Muscle
Protein is the building block of muscle, so making sure you're getting enough protein in your diet is a great way to help your muscles grow. And it's not just important for athletes and bodybuilders—you can work out or not work out at all, and still see benefits from drinking protein water. If you're looking for a way to get more protein into your diet without having to eat meat or other animal products, adding an extra scoop of protein powder in your water bottle every day will do the trick!
3. Protein Water Can Give You Healthier Skin, Hair, and Nails
Protein water can help with your skin and hair. Collagen Based Protein Waters contains the amino acids that are essential to healthy skin and hair growth. The protein in protein water helps form keratin, which makes up most of the structure of your hair and nails. It also helps repair damaged cells, making it a valuable resource for those who want to grow their hair out longer!
4. Protein Water Can Boost Your Energy
Protein water is a great way to get your protein and energy boost in one drink. After a workout, you’re looking to replenish your body with nutrients as quickly as possible. Protein water can help you recover after a workout by supplying you with the muscle-building amino acids that your body needs to rebuild itself.
Also, studies have shown that drinking protein water can help keep blood sugar levels stable throughout the day, which helps keep hunger cravings at bay.
You will love the benefits of protein water!
Protein water is a great alternative to sugary drinks and can help you lose weight in a healthy way. Protein water doesn’t have added sugar, which means that it’s better for your health than many other types of drinks. If you drink it before or after exercising, you may also build muscle more quickly and burn more fat because protein helps your body build lean muscle mass.
Protein water also gives your skin, hair, and nails an extra boost by keeping them moisturized from the inside out!
We’re sure you will love the benefits of protein water and can’t wait to hear your feedback. Share this with your friends who also love health and fitness and never miss an update from us!
Looking for an easy post or pre-workout protein boost? Vieve is the world's first high-protein drink and protein water to use collagen as its primary protein source, offering a true non-dairy alternative to whey and milk based drinks. Just pop, twist and sip after a workout without the mixing and mess of your typical protein powder!
Vegans struggling with your protein intake? Now available in a plant-based Vegan Protein Water version with 10g pea-protein, zero sugar fat or dairy and only 50 calories.
Head over to our shop to check out our selection of protein drinks, collagen peptide powdersand protein waters. Find out more about Vieve here. Vieve Protein Water is available in the UK from Amazon, Ocado or via our website.